
Friday, May 24, 2013

Sofía Santaclara (154)

Sofía writes:

Las Lepidópteras son mi colección privada de mariposas, soy coleccionista desde niña, adoro atesorar objetos, clasificarlos y catalogarlos, obsesiva y compulsivamente. Surgen estas, por una necesidad de ensalzar y conservar el cuerpo de la mujer, un conjuro que detenga el tiempo, también como un canto a la singularidad de cada una. En esa incesante búsqueda mía de ruptura del caos, oso bautizarlas, dotándolas de mayor personalidad si cabe, utilizando nombres reales de manual de entomología, todos ellos de mariposas de la península ibérica de singular belleza y sumamente evocadores.  

The Lepidoptera are my private collection of butterflies, I am a collector since childhood, I love to treasure objects, classify and catalog, completely obsessive and compulsive. These come out of a need to praise and preserve the body of the woman, to cast a spell that stops time, to hymn the uniqueness of each shape. In my relentless attempting to break chaos I venture to baptize them, endowing them with more personality if possible, using names from an entomology manual, names of butterflies of the Iberian peninsula of unique and most evocative beauty. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Fotini Hamidieli (153)

-the body-

-over my shoulder-


Fotini writes: 

I will be undergoing a hysterectomy for benign tumors, inomyomata they are called.
I have been trying to rationalize the fear and one of the first things that I had to swallow was the violation of my skin, my belly which is flawless now, as flawless the belly of a 56 year old woman can be but still unscarred. And then it is the tearing away of organs which have been so vital to my being a mother.
My mind is kind of numb at the moment and I can't write or explain any better what is happening to me. In my mind's eye I keep seeing images of my uterus as it appeared in the magnetic tomography and the bulbs, pods and seeds which appear in my drawings are an attempt to illustrate my womb.