-The ground of my being-
(1996, from the exhibition "The Sweetness of Truth the Body Reveals")
Mixed media, 67 in H hx 75 in W x 75 in D
Liz writes:
Our bodies, our home, our sanctuary, our ground, our landscape, our story; our soul made visible. Using sculpture, installation, mixed media, college, printmaking, artist books, video, poetry and sound, I explore the richness of the metaphor of the body; the place we call home on the earth. The age old questions of who we are and what are we doing here are examined (although, unfortunately, ultimately not answered ). The mystery of the body, our layers of skin that keep us separate from one another, our longing to be part of the whole, our light, our darkness, the idea of metamorphosis, of transformation: this is the material I work with.